Nine Years Old Today

Today is my oldest baby’s birthday. Its hard to believe that in one more year I will have a child in the double digits.  I’m not old enough for that. Our Abigail is a strong and beautiful girl that came into this world wanting to express herself auditorily.  She picked up language very quickly and has never been afraid to use it.  She is ever ready with an answer or an opinion on everything.  She is like her father that way.   I am frequently amazed by her knowledge and love of her savior and the boldness with which she speaks of Him.  Her love of others is loyal and honest.  She is socially outgoing and friendly to all she meets.  I am frequently amazed by her knowledge and love of her Savior and the boldness with which she speaks of Him.

This year on Saint Patrick’s Day Abigail was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.  I am a anxiety ridden fear filled momma.  Every time middle child took a step as a toddler I would experience a rush of adrenalin.  That can’t be good for the human body.  My heart broke the day that I knew it, before it was even diagnosed that my daughter had type 1.  I don’t want this for my daughter.  I don’t want her to have to live with this for the rest of her life.  Her life was almost care free until then.  She has always been mature beyond her years, this is bound to age her even faster.

It has been almost 4 months now since that frightful day and it feels like a lifetime already.  I don’t know what all this disease will bring into her life and ours but I hope it will strengthen our love and dependence on the one who loves us so much that he would suffer in our place.  May it also increase our hope that we have in Him who died for us that we will one day be with Him in heaven, when all pain and suffering will come to an end.

My prayer for Abigail today and everyday of her life on this planet is to continue to grow in her love and knowledge of Jesus and to continue to tell all those she meets of the love of her Savior with the boldness that she already possess.


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