You Look Better Than Normal

Today I made hubby an apron from the fabric that I purchased from IKEA. I asked my oldest child to take a picture of mommy wearing the apron for me to send to her father. Before sending I took a look at the picture and remarked out loud how I did not like how huge my belly looked. to which my eldest responds “Oh mom you look better than normal” What a bugger she is. I would have never said such things to my mom. Ok, I’m probably receiving my due. Sorry mom for all the awful things your brat daughter did or said that was less than kind.

It’s a good thing that this momma still loves her girlies even though they can be such buggers at times. Better yet I’m ever so grateful for the love that God gave by sending his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for mine and everyone else’s wretchedness who believes in Him.  And although it seems like a painfully slow process I hope that I am becoming “better than normal.”  That I am being constantly changed as God works on this life through His word.

Here’s hoping for better than normal days ahead.


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