Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  It’s been awhile once again…so much has happened in life since my last post.  My girls participated in a Christmas pageant at our church.  I will have to share some of the pictures that my husband took during our Christmas Eve service.  We also were able to spend some time with our Texan nieces and nephew on Christmas and  I got a really fun Christmas gift from a friend.  But I’ve decided to share a little shadow puppet play that my two eldest daughters performed using the story the Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson.

Another friend of mine has several daughters that my girls have befriended and their girls gifted my girls books for Christmas.  I felt that was nice gift and began to think about what books my girls might gift to their friends.  I questioned my husband who has done a lot of reading to our girls over the years, if he had any favorites.  He wasn’t much help but there is one book in particular that we both agree on, The Gruffalo.  We do have other books as well but I’ll save that for another day.  So without further delay here is the Radman Family version of the Gruffalo in a shadow puppet play.    ~Laura

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